Ventnor Skate Park: Local Hero In The Making

It seems that there are knights in shining armour roaming the street of Ventnor.

skaterA couple of weeks ago, we were walking past the skate park down on the esplanade and noticed a guy casing the joint. Simon made a quip about him looking like he couldn’t decide whether he was going to skate or not – although with all due respect, he didn’t really look the type (more likely his grandchildren).

Anyway, he explained that the skate park was looking for donations in order to carry out much needed repairs to the ramps. One quote had already come in at £3,000, so he decided to take a look at what needed to be done and rather than give cash, he’d send a couple of his lads down to do the work.

As we carried on our walk we both agreed that this was a brilliant way to make a contribution. In a place where money isn’t always available for such projects, it goes to show that a difference can be made without it.

I haven’t been passed since then, so don’t know whether the work has started yet, but if anyone has more info on this and the name of the guy who has volunteered his workers for the job, please let us know.

Image courtesy of Fabrique