Ventnor Skate Park: Work Continues

Despite the problem of pesky kids, who seem hell bent on continuing to rip down the fencing that surrounds the skate park (even though they can’t use the ramps), work is continuing apace.

Huge pats on the back need to go out to John Cattle, Tom Parsons and John Baldry who have been getting really stuck in to the work and making great progress.

Ventnor Skate Park: Work ContinuesAnyone who regularly walks past the park will have noticed the changes taking place.

A new storage unit from JMC Hire has been lifted onto site.

It’s a great help for those involved having the tools locked up on site.

With that now in place, KN Tool Hire were able to deliver the pneumatic breaker.

New toys for the boys, and as you’ll see from the pics, lots of fun (and hard work and sweat) was had in breaking up all the hardcore that surrounds the ramps.

The next stage will be to flatten the area prior to the concrete being poured.

Ventnor Skate Park: Work ContinuesAlthough hugely discounted, the concrete is going to cost around £1000, so all the more reason to get all your friends and relatives to buy a copy of the Transitions Volume One CD (more details later).

We would like to ask those who persist with breaking down to fence to please give it a rest.

It means that every time people go down to work on site they have to spend time repairing the fences and it takes them away from getting on with to work needed to finish the ramps.

The faster they’re finished to quicker the skate park will be open again.