Ventnor Town Council Getting On With Business

Looks like a busy agenda for tonight’s Ventnor Town Council meeting.

Ventnor Town Council Getting On With BusinessFor those on the Town Clerk’s email list for meeting notices, a bumper package arrived in the in-boxes a few days ago, with not only the agenda coming through, but also detailed reports for the recruitment of the Entertainments Manager (which is being recommended for approval tonight), as well as a finance report, administration report on where to save costs and details of town council vacancies.

What a striking difference from the communication practices of past town clerks, which were more akin to getting blood out of a stone.

If the reports and updates are anything to go by, it looks like the slimmed down Ventnor Town Council are certainly getting on with business.

Downloads the documents
Apparently their new Website will be up shortly which will provide links to documents and notices.

As it’s not quite there yet, links to docs can be found on the listing on Events on the Wight

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