Ventnor Wild Food Walk

Ventnor Wild Food WalkMany thanks to Rowan Adams for sending through some words and pics of the Ventnor Wild Food Walk which took place last week as part of the Isle of Wight Walking Festival. Ed

Here’s a fuzzy picture of happy foragers on the second Ventnor Wild Food Walk on Friday 16 May 2008.

This walk was hgely popular and booked up well in advance, so if you fancy taking part in the next Wild Food Walk (October 2008) you be advised to book your place now.

If you’re interested in the ethics of wild food foraging, check out the Code of Conduct from the Botanical Society of the British Isles by visiting their website.

Alternatively you could buy a copy of the latest (2007) edition of Richard Mabey’s classic, Food for Free, first published in 1972 – but get the proper book, not the tiny ‘Gem’ version, which looks cute but just doesn’t cut the mustard.

You can also check out what plants are rare on the Island, and should be left alone, by getting a copy of ‘The Isle of Wight Flora’ by Colin Pope, Lorna Snow, and David Allen, and checking out Wild On Wight