Lucy Best (co-owner of Besty and Spinkys the cafebar overlooking the paddling pool) and Cllr Steve Cooper Mayor of Ventnor

Ventnor’s iconic paddling pool secures silver in national seaside favourites vote

A local landmark in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight has been awarded silver in a national vote.

On Monday (16th September 2024), the Seaside Heritage Network revealed its Bucket and Spade List of the Top Ten favourite seaside places at a celebration at The Plaza Cinema, an art deo picture house in Weston-super -Mare.

Pipped to the post by New Palace and Adventureland
The open-air paddling pool on Ventnor Esplanade was revealed to have come second place in the competition of experiences as voted for by members of the public, pipped to the post by New Palace and Adventureland at New Brighton, Merseyside.

Ventnor Town Council manages the popular local landmark, a shallow pool with an Isle of Wight shaped feature in the middle.

Cooper: To be recognised is to say thank you to all that maintain and keep the asset looking so bright and welcoming
Ventnor Mayor Councillor Steve Cooper thanked everyone who voted and said the award was a reflection of the effort by those who look after the paddling pool,

“Ventnor Town Council was delighted to take part in the Seaside Heritage Network competition and very humbled, but proud that our sea front island paddling pool has achieved the runner-up slot.

“It is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike and by all ages and to be recognised is to say thank you to all that maintain and keep the asset looking so bright and welcoming.”

“Free and well used whatever the weather”
Voters in the competition were encouraged to leave comments as to why they believed it should be included in the top ten list for 2024, which included remarks such as,

“It’s so place specific and gives everyone who sees it or better still paddles in it a sense of local geography that jogs memories’ and ‘I first enjoyed this pool in the 60s and it is still as popular as ever.

“Free and well used whatever the weather with Ventnor beach just yards away.”

The Seaside Heritage Network seeks to celebrate the unique contribution of seaside heritage to British life and demonstrate the importance of built heritage to the continuation of that legacy so that it can be better identified and explained.

Ferry: It’s brilliant to have such a varied and cherished Top Ten
Dr Kathryn Ferry, a founder member of the Seaside Heritage Network, stressed how important it was to see people and communities getting behind the vote,

“Our winners this year are not the usual suspects but that is a timely reminder that seaside heritage is not always grand or obvious. These are attractions that make their location unique, they are distinctive things that are highly valued by residents and visitors alike; it’s for that reason thousands of people took the time to register their choice.

“Several themes came out in the comments from voters and the sense of continuity these places and experiences provide was key. People have a great nostalgia for the things they enjoyed in childhood and they are grateful for the opportunity to pass that on to the next generation. Our winners were routinely praised for their family focus and friendly staff too.

“We firmly believe that embracing the power of seaside heritage to connect with people anew can help coastal places blighted by social and economic problems. It’s brilliant to have such a varied and cherished Top Ten.”

News shared by Simon on behalf of Visit Isle of Wight. Ed

Image: Lucy Best (co-owner of Besty and Spinkys the cafebar overlooking the paddling pool) and Steve Cooper Mayor of Ventnor