Borehold rig on Leeson Road

Ventnor’s Leeson Road borehole drilling on track despite temporary snag, say council

Work to drill three boreholes at Leeson Road in Ventnor is progressing very well, say Isle of Wight council.

The boreholes are being sunk to depths of up to 130 metres to help the Isle of Wight council and Island Roads further understand the ground conditions at this location and to allow additional monitoring equipment to be installed.

Data used for early warning system
Data retrieved from the enhanced monitoring will help partners agree an early-warning scheme so the road can be re-opened safely.

Drilling on the first borehole is now complete and the second borehole has reached a depth of 100 metres.

Casing stuck underground
Progress was interrupted on Sunday when a casing — used to house the core samples taken from the ground — temporarily became stuck deep underground.

The casing has already been retrieved and we expect drilling to recommence today (Tuesday) once the rig has been re-set.

This type of issue is not unexpected in such complex work, and we remain on course to complete the project within the published timeline.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed