
Ventnor’s very own Repair Shop launches later this month

Helen shares news of this latest initiative from Ventnor’s Holy Trinity Church. Ed

Holy Trinity Church has been exploring ways in which we can contribute towards a more environmentally sustainable society, and we have taken a number of steps to improve our own environmental footprint.

The recent movement away from the throwaway society is a welcome opportunity for us to offer a service to local people, on the doorstep.

You may have seen our Facebook page (Trinity Repair Shop) which we set up to see if there was any enthusiasm for such a venture, and were gratified to find that there were so many responses, including some from people offering their services.

Encouraged by the reaction, we are pleased to announce that a trial run will go ahead at the end of October.

Combined with a coffee morning
A coffee morning will be held at the Church Hall and we will be inviting people to bring selected items along, which they would like to be repaired.

Some items may be repairable on the spot, and others may need to be taken away for more detailed work, and returned to their owners at a later date.

No payment will be required, but any donations to church funds would, of course, be gratefully received.

Matching repairs to repairer
We will be endeavouring to match the repairs to a suitable repairer, but all work will be done at the owner’s risk.

If you have an item which you would like repaired, please keep an eye on the Facebook page and get in touch by messaging us.

You will be contacted to see if a repair can be arranged, and invited to bring the item along. If you do not have access to Facebook, please contact Helen Slade direct on 07813 139434 or by email at [email protected].

Where and when
The Repair Shop Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday 30th October 2021 in the Church Hall, Trinity Road.

You are welcome to come just for the company.

If the venture is a success, we hope to establish it on a more regular basis in the New Year.

Image: florianric under CC BY 2.0