Vestas Sit-in: Isle of Wight Green Euro-MP Proposes Rescue Plan

Caroline Lucas, the Isle of Wight’s Green Euro-MP has formulated what she feels is a possible solution to the current crisis at the Vestas Blade factory.

Vestas Sit-in: Isle of Wight Green Euro-MP Proposes Rescue PlanThe head of the Green party on the Island, Brian Lucas, is to deliver a proposal to David Pugh to turn the Vestas Blades factory into Workers Co-operative.

Sustainable Communities Act 2007
Under the Sustainable Communities Act 2007, councils and communities have the opportunity to put forward proposals on sustainable improvements to local economic, environmental and social wellbeing.

Once established, individual councils’ proposals are sent to the Government via the Local Government Association. The deadline for current submissions to the LGA is 31st July 2009.

The Green party will call on the IW Council to ask for Government support under the terms of the 2007 Act to ensure that:

  • The workers of the wind turbine company Vestas are permitted to form a Workers’ Cooperative, and are supported in doing so by the Government;
  • Financial support (at the very least unemployment benefit) is paid to the workers of Vestas until such time as the proposed Workers’ Cooperative is financially viable.

Commenting on it, Caroline Lucas said, “If the Government is serious about tackling climate change, helping to protect the future of UK manufacturing, and safeguarding local jobs, it must act now to keep the Vestas facility open for business.

“By submitting a proposal under the Sustainable Communities Act for a workers’ co-op, the Council can demand that the government provides the investment and assurances necessary to save this facility – on the basis that it plays a crucial economic and environmental role in the local community.”

Caroline Lucas

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