Vestas sit-in: Plane With Support Banner Flies Over Vestas (video)

You may have heard that Bob Crow, General Secretary of the RMT promised a plane to fly over the Vestas rally last night.

Vestas sit-in: Plane With Support Banner Flies Over Vestas (video)

The patient were rewarded when a plane pulling a banner saying “Save our Jobs. Save the Island” flew over the site a number of times (as we Tweeted at the time).

Those left at the rally reacted really well when it came into view.

Below is a video of its first pass and a gallery of photos of it flying over is under that.

It’s a bit wobbly as I was taking photos with my other eye/hand – which proved to be a bit of a challenge(!)

Clicking on the bottom right corner icon, expands the video to full screen.

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