Vestas Sit-in: Surprise As Vestas Stop Food Again (podcast)

Nearly two weeks into the Vestas sit-in, we caught up with Sean one of the supporters outside the factory in Newport and had it confirmed that Vestas have once again stopped the food going inside from the supporters.

Vestas Sit-in: Surpise As Vestas Stop Food Again (podcast)On Saturday the police and Vestas security had been fine with food going inside from supporters, but on Sunday that changed, saying that the Saturday afternoon delivery was a goodwill gesture.

Those outside were confused as it appeared to be the intervention of Human Rights lawyer, Louise Christian, that had lead to the food going in.

Some supporters outside are wondering if stopping the food is a tactic by the company to try and raise some anger from the supporters. Sean told VB that “they’re not going to get that from us.”

Rally tonight 6pm
As on every day for the last two weeks, there will be a rally tonight outside Vestas for those wanting to show support to those affected by the shut down of the Vestas factory.

Tomorrow morning
Tuesday morning supporters will be gather at 8:30am outside Vestas to walk over to the court in Newport to join others at 9:30am, awaiting the court case at 10am.

Party tomorrow night
Those at Vestas who are losing their jobs are planning a party tomorrow night at 6pm.

They want to celebrate either way – if they win in court or lose.

If you’re an Island band and would like to join the others playing there, they’d be interested in talking to you about it – the sooner the better. Give Pat (07905 352 751) or Anna (07804 497 014) a buzz about it.

Have a listen …
(We’re really pleased that the audio quality of our telephone calls has improved – hurrah!)

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