Back in November, in response to a tweet from Islander Doug Alldred, OnTheWight picked up the issue of Catseyes not being replaced on resurfaced roads.
It was discovered that highways PFI contractor, Island Roads, had not been replacing Catseyes on many of the roads they had re-surfaced.
Dumped on roadside
Not only that, but with the help of Doug, OnTheWight were able to reveal that Catseyes that had been removed from the roads were left dumped at the side of the road. Island Roads had told OnTheWight, “Road studs (cats eyes) that are to be re-used are stored safely”.
Replacements finally appearing
Following that attention, Island Roads have now gone back to many of those resurfaced roads and started to return the much-needed safety features.
Many Islanders have been getting in touch or speaking to us directly when we’re out and about. One tweet today from @specialf said,
@onthewight drove past monkey haven yesterday, reflective studs have been stuck to the road now #PowerOfThePress
— fay (@specialf) January 5, 2015
So far, we’ve only seen the Catseyes replaced by road studs, but for many of the affected roads, their introduction has made a huge difference.