Young female with long blond hair sitting on wall with back to the camera

Volunteer to make a difference: Support Young Carers in your community today

Today, Wednesday 15th March, is National Young Carers Action Day, organised by Carers Trust to raise awareness acknowledge and celebrate the incredible young people who care for a member of their family in the home due to poor physical/mental health or substance misuse.

With an estimated one in five children being a young carer, The Carers Trust understand the importance of the vital role that these young people play within their family, so spent time throughout the year talking to them at Young Carers’ events across the country to find out how they can be best supported.

Concerns about health and wellbeing
From those conversations, the common issue raised was concerns around their own health and wellbeing due to their additional responsibilities as well as the usual schoolwork, the pressures of being included in friendship groups and generally being young people.

The Carers Trust found that young carers felt that they needed support with their wellbeing, health and happiness by:

  • Improved support in schools
  • More access to breaks
  • Better access to counselling
  • More financial support

‘Make Time for Young Carers’
The Carers Trust theme for this year is ‘Make Time for Young Carers’ as young carers feel that if professionals and responsible adults to make time to understand what its like to be a young carer, they would be able to better support their needs.

Anxiety asking for help
These concerns have also been reflected locally in a recent Young Carers Youth Voice session, where our local young carers expressed that they felt anxious about approaching members of the school for help with issues, when it would take a short conversation with someone who has an understanding of young carers for it to be quickly resolved.

The Young Carers Pledge
Locally we are taking action to raise awareness by urging professionals, families and individuals to sign the Young Carers Pledge to help our young carers feel that their contribution is recognised and their rights are reflected in practice.

Quigley: Happy to sign the Pledge
Cllr Richard Quigley, Labour councillor for Cowes North Ward, has shown his support to our Young Carers by signing the pledge. He said,

“I am happy to sign the Young Carers Pledge. I understand the additional pressures that young carers are under and acknowledge the amazing contribution they make to their families and local communities.

“It is so important to be listened to by decision makers and supported in the way that they need so that they can continue their caring, feeling valued without it impacting their wellbeing.”

Sign the Pledge
Please help our young carers by clicking the following link to sign the Young Carers Pledge and show your support.

You can sign the pledge via the Website.

‘A-Z of Being a Young Carer’
We are also asking our schools to include our awareness raising stop motion animation ‘A-Z of Being a Young Carer’, created and produced by our talented local young carers with the brilliant Studio Wren in 2019.

It is a beautifully poetic, collective description of their emotions and feelings about being a young carer.

Seek support
If you feel that you or someone in your family is in need of young carer support you can make a direct referral through the Barnardos Family Centres Website.

Offer your support
If you have experience with working with children and would like to volunteer at any of the respite activities to contact Trudie on [email protected].

News shared by Trudie on behalf of Isle of Wight Young Carers. Ed

Image: omar ram under CC BY 2.0