Walkers jumping in the air as part of Walk the Wight 2024
© Simon Dear

Walk the Wight charity event raises a staggering £455,000 in record-breaking fundraiser

An incredible £455,000 has been raised in another record-breaking Walk the Wight.

More than 9,500 walkers and hundreds more volunteers came together for Mountbatten’s flagship fundraiser on Sunday.

£100,000 more than 2023
The money raised so far, with more sponsorship to come, is up by £100,000 compared to the same time last year.

White: Everyone should be so proud for playing their part in it
Lorraine White, Mountbatten fundraising manager, said,

“We simply cannot say thank you enough for the incredible support for Walk the Wight.

“It was an incredible day – to have over 9,500 walkers was just amazing and everyone should be so proud for playing their part in it.

“Last year was so successful and we wondered if we could top it but thanks to everyone involved, we did, and this money will make such a difference to Island people we support.

“We are so grateful, thank you.”

A very sunny day
Sunny conditions greeted walkers, with nearly 1,200 people registering on the day across the different routes.

The main 26.5-mile walk started at Bembridge at 6am and the final group of walkers crossed the finish line at The Needles at 9pm.

Hartley: We are so lucky and so grateful to everyone
Nigel Hartley, Mountbatten CEO, said,

“It was an extraordinary day and the atmosphere across all the routes and checkpoints was really special.

“To see so many people come together for Mountbatten was such a wonderful sight.

“While walking, I met so many people who spoke to me about Mountbatten and how we had made a difference to their families.

“The stories, the occasion and the cause are just an incredible mix – we are so lucky and so grateful to everyone.”

International Nurses Day
The day coincided with International Nurses Day and walkers gave three cheers to Mountbatten nurses before they set off from Bembridge.

The final total, once all sponsorship money has been collected, will be announced later in the year.

Pre-register for 2025
Next year’s Walk the Wight will take part on Sunday 11th May and you can pre-register on the website.

News shared by Matt on behalf of Mountbatten. Ed