Baby goat

Watch: Fantastic feral goats on Ventnor Downs in Spring time

If you’ve had a tense and difficult week, this latest short film by Paul Knights should be just the trick to reduce your stress levels.

Having set himself the task of capturing footage of Spring time on Ventnor Downs, Paul ended up hooked on observing the families of feral goats that live there.

Feral goats on the Downs

We’re glad he did, because the result is a wonderfully relaxing film (see below), with a great insight into how the goats exist and interact with each other.

Feral goats on the Downs

Paul explains,

“I recently set myself a loose brief to film the beauty of the Ventnor Downs at this time of year – somewhere it’s easy for me to pop up to for a couple of hours or so in the evening when I get some free time, and soak up the peace, the nature – see the bright colours of the gorse and the emerging hawthorn flowers. The gorgeous shades of green of the different trees as they begin to develop leaves..  everything looks so fresh. I had started wandering on paths I’d not followed before.

“But then I ended up getting drawn to the feral goats and spending more evenings following these delightful creatures around than I originally expected.  Charmed by their inquisitive stares and the regal looking demeanour of the older members of the herd, I decided to hang around with them instead over the last two weeks and see what I could capture.”

Ten minutes of delight
We’re sure you’ll agree what a delightful film it is. Click on the play button and then the full screen icon (bottom right) to see the footage in full glory and make sure you have sound turned on.

Check out News OnTheWight’s archive of articles about Paul Knights.

Feral goat on the Downs

Image: © Paul Knights