Seal in the clear water - taken from above

Watch: Friendly seal off the south coast of the Isle of Wight

There is a new celebrity visitor in Bonchurch and yesterday (Monday) they were captured on video by friend of News OnTheWight, Steve from Isle of Wight Drone.

Steve saw the seal while paddle boarding past Bonchurch and pulled into the bay to capture the footage below.

Another seal, or maybe the same one, was also spotted the day before at Rocken End by Mike Wilson (see his video below).

Bonchurch visitor
The footage is only short, but it’s such a treat to see the seal from above, as well as seeing just how clear and beautiful the sea is!

Whilst on our evening walk along the shoreline in Bonchurch last night, we also spotted the seal, bobbing in and out of the water.

You can see more of Steve’s amazing aerial video and photography on his Instagram page, as well as on Facebook.

Watershoot Bay
Our thanks to Mike as well for sharing his footage of the seal that regularly frequents Watershoot Bay.

You can see more of Mike’s wildlife and landscape photography by visiting his Facebook Page.

Image: © Isle of Wight Drone

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