Shanklin Sailing Club's 'Ventnor Races'
© Paul Knights

Watch: Local filmmaker Paul Knights captures Shanklin Sailing Club’s ‘Ventnor Races’

Now we have the ability to embed videos on the site once again, the timing was impeccable because last weekend, local filmmaker, Paul Knights, was out with his trusty camera capturing some beautiful sights.

On Sunday Paul managed to capture Shanklin Sailing Club’s annual ‘Ventnor Races’. He says,

“There was only a light wind, but glorious sunshine and excellent visibility really accentuated the colours of everything – Ventnor was looking absolutely stunning I think you’d agree.

“I filmed from a variety of locations to try and mix up the shots, and also attached a camera to a different boat both ways to give me more choice at the editing stage.”

As usual the results are superb. Jump down to watch the video.

Pike: blessed with the most fantastic weather
Yvonne Pike from Shanklin Sailing Club told OnTheWight,

“We were really blessed with the most fantastic weather and it shows off our beautiful Island so well.”

See after the video for background to the race.

Watch the film
Get comfy and settle down for 15 minutes of joy as you watch the sailors set off and embark on the race to Ventnor.

The day was indeed glorious and Paul managed to capture Ventnor looking splendid (as always).

To watch the film click on the play button and then hit the full screen icon (bottom right) to see in full size.

You can see more of Paul’s films on his YouTube Channel or by visiting the OnTheWight archive.

Background to the race
Yvonne explained more about the race,

“Every year, Shanklin Sailing Club is invited by the Ventnor Yacht Club to a regatta which takes place between Sandown Bay and Ventnor.

“Three races are held – the first being a race from Shanklin to Ventnor, a second race around the bay at Ventnor, and the third being the race back to Shanklin.

“We always schedule the race for optimal tide so it’s with us on the way there, and also on the way back.”

Yvonne was the race officer for the day, alongside the commodore of Ventnor Yacht Club, Tony Saunders. She explained that once the first race is underway, they hot-foot it from the Shanklin SC race box to the Spy Glass Inn on Ventnor’s seafront, where they run the remaining races from the mast on their lower deck.

Click on images to see larger version

Yvonne went on to say,

“After the second race, the sailors come ashore and are treated to a light lunch and prize-giving. This year Tony presented the Margaret Thompson Memorial trophy to Stuart Pierce (winner of the race to Ventnor) and the Ventnor YC trophy to Keith Newnham (winner of the race in Ventnor Bay). We also presented the John Foster cup at the end of the day for the highest place novice and winner of the final race, this year being Bob Marks.”

A total of 21 Dart15 catamarans set sail from Shanklin SC with a mix of helms from teenagers to septuagenarians. There was a most pleasant moderate breeze on the way to and from Ventnor, and a light breeze in Ventnor Bay which ensured a technical race as the helms battled tide on the beat.