Ventnor Winter Gardens: Isle of Wight council CEO open to ‘brokering a discussion between owners and local community’
Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
1, November 2023·1 min readImmediate action required: Cowes coastal and tidal areas in Newport at flood risk.Environment Agency warns of imminent flooding in Cowes, East Cowes, and Newport areas
26, September 2024·3 min readIndependent investigations reveal Newport, East Cowes and Ryde’s flood causes and recommendationsSevere flooding prompts Isle of Wight council's insight and preventative action plans
29, November 2023·1 min readInquiry underway to discover causes of flooding after Storms Babet and CiaranCouncil investigates severe flooding to identify causes and factors: Share your input
9, November 2010·1 min readIsland Floods: More Photos (gallery)More shots from around the Island of flood damage
2, February 2014·1 min readIsland Line train running again after earlier landslip near SandownHappily the Line is back in service after the earlier landslip and the problems that brought.
24, December 2013·1 min readIsland Line trains still affected by major floodingAs you would've seen from our social media updates last night and this morning, several parts of the Island's only train line have been flooded.
10, November 2010·1 min readIsland Line Trains: Limited Service Resumes (updated)Limited service resumes
10, November 2010·1 min readIsland Line Update: Ongoing Disruption Caused By FloodingTrain service still disrupted but improving
1, February 2014·1 min readIsland Roads announce scheme to reduce highway floodingAn extensive programme of schemes is underway to prevent highways flooding during wet weather say Island Roads.
14, January 2015·1 min readIsland Roads provide additional sandbags and checks ahead of severe bad weatherMany will be pleased to see the £1.4m/per month Highways PFI money being put to good use.