Weston Manor: The Background: Podcast Part 2/3

Weston Manor: The Background: Podcast Part 2/3As you may be aware, earlier in the year, we met up with Freshwater resident Chris Jarman, to discuss the previously proposed change of use for Weston Manor. Since meeting with Chris, the Real World Trust, who were in the process of converting Weston Manor from a residential care home into a drug and rehabilitation centre, have pulled out of the proposal.

At a meeting in March with the local residents and town council, the owner of the Manor, Mrs Robertson, stated that she would be putting the Manor on the market the following day.

The background on this case is fascinating and lengthy. If you missed part one of the recording you can still listen to it online, and later in the week, we plan to publish the final part of the recording with Chris.

What was clear from our discussions, is that the community local to Weston Manor is a caring community who, through their own investigations, have uncovered confusion and contradictions between the Isle of Wight Council and The Real World Trust. This in turn has lead to the great concern over the case.

To listen to the interview, click on the play button below.