WFMU Phuj Phactory – Season Two

From the archive one year ago, you’ll see that we wrote about Ergo Phizmiz’s Phuj Phactory.

wfmuBy strange coincidence, one year on and the second series is about to start on New York radio station WFMU, moving to a regular Thursday evening slot (instead of Wednesday).

The new season reinvents the format of the first. A combination of sound collage from music throughout history, and special feature sections, jumping between: “The Jack Phoenix Vintage Vinyl Archive”, “Action Music! A Personal Obsession – Music from Animation and Ballet”, and “Vintage Comedy & Musical Comedy”.

The series will also feature regular new radiophonic pieces and sessions from a big, big range of brilliant artists from all round the world. The new series will feature new recordings from Felix Kubin, Jarrod Fowler, Mustafio, Jack Phoenix, and m-m-m-many more.

Also regularly featured will be “full feature” episodes. Forthcoming special programmes include “SavoySaveloy: A Mush-Up of rare recordings from the Savoy Orpheans”, “The Joseph Cornell Music Box Show”, and “Sounds of Soviet Animation: Box 2”.

How do you listen? If you happen to be in NY, tune into WFMU on 91.1 FM Thursdays, 6pm New York time, alternatively you can listen online at

It all kicks off this Thursday (11th) and show runs through to May 2008.

If you haven’t heard the very special mix that Ergo Phizmiz created for VB, check it out.