White Air Festival 2005

whiteair festivalExperience four days of crazy extreme sports at the ‘UK’s Premier Extreme Sports festival’ which brings together the elite to compete in the championships of 14 awesome watersports and landsports. From the sheer radical style of the Kitesurfers, Windsurfers, Surfers, Skate, BMX, Mountain Boarding, Thundercat Racing, Mountain Bike Cross Country, Mountain Bike Trials, Duathlon, Parkour, Kayak Racing, and more!

500 competitors creating intense action on land and sea throughout the festival duration. Backed up with the biggest parties of the season and the UK’s premier trade and demo displays, open parks, ‘Have A Go’ taster sessions and ‘public access’ in some 7 land and water sports! And entertainment every day and every night for four full days.

White Air Festival Site

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