Readers may remember the Wickes Building with Pride competition that we wrote about last week.
Well, organisers of the competition have advised us this morning that the Needles Battery building has made it onto the shortlist competing against 29 other buildings.
We now all have the chance to vote for the Needles Battery entry and could be in with a chance to ensure that the first ‘Building with Pride’ award comes to the Isle of Wight.
What amazing publicity that will bring for the Island and for the National Trust who are custodians of the Old Battery.
Make your voice heard and let your fingers do the voting on the Building With Pride Web site.
Tommy Walsh, celebrity builder, commented:
“The buildings nominated by the British public all have great character and their own story to tell. The Needles Old Battery is a prime example of this.
This is a chance for the people of the Isle of Wight to give it the recognition it deserves – on 18th March the building with the most votes will claim the ultimate accolade of the first ‘Building with Pride’ award.”
Voting continues until 13th March and the winner will be announced on 18th March 2009.