red squirrel in the wind

Winds of up to 70mph expected today on the Isle of Wight

Batten down the hatches as the Met Office have issued a weather for very strong wind on the Isle of Wight today (Sunday).

The warning is valid until 8pm today and reads:

High, gusty winds accompanied by heavy showery rain may cause some travel disruption. What to expect

  • Some delays to road, rail, air and ferry transport are likely
  • Probably some bus and train services affected, with some journeys taking longer
  • Delays for high-sided vehicles on exposed routes and bridges likely
  • Some short term loss of power and other services is possible
  • It’s likely that some coastal routes, sea fronts and coastal communities affected by spray and/or large waves

The windiest conditions will be in coastal areas where gales or severe gales are expected along with gusts of 50 to 60 mph for many and perhaps as high as 60 to 70 mph in a few spots.

Parts of southwest England are likely to see the highest winds during early to mid afternoon whilst peak winds over parts of southeast England will probably not be until later this afternoon and early evening.

Meanwhile, these high winds will be accompanied by further showers and spells of rain, heavy at times.

Met office weather warning for wind

For regular updates see The Met Office Website.

Image: hedera_baltica under CC BY 2.0