dog wrapped up

Winter Wrapped Up booklet offers winter advice for older people

This in from the IW NHS, in their own words. Ed

’Winter Wrapped Up’ guide can enable Islanders to Stay Well This Winter

Winter can be a worrying time for older people, as we age our bodies naturally become more vulnerable to cold weather, the cold can aggravate existing health problems and make us more susceptible to illnesses.

Thankfully, by being prepared and well-informed you can help yourself, or those you care about, to stay well this winter.

Partnership with Age UK
In a bid to inform and enable older Islanders to stay well over the colder months, Age UK Isle of Wight and the Island’s NHS working together under the My Life a Full Life programme have distributed over 5,000 Winter Wrapped Up booklets to locations around the Island. The booklets, generously supplied by Age UK nationally, contain practical advice and suggestions for how to stay as healthy, safe and as comfortable as possible this winter.

Jo Dare, Chief Officer of Age UK Isle of Wight, said:

“We, as an older person’s charity, know the devastating effects that cold weather can have on an older person’s health, and we work hard through the winter months to support those who need it. However, thankfully, there are a number of simple steps that people can take to avoid preventable illnesses and stop them reaching crisis.

“By sharing resources and working together with all the partners under the My Life a Full Life programme, we hope that we can enable people to better prepare themselves for the colder weather, and stay as healthy as possible this wintertime.”

Pick up your booklet
The Winter Wrapped Up booklets are available now from GP Surgeries, St Mary’s Hospital, Libraries, Pharmacies and from Age UK Isle of Wight at 147 High Street, Newport, by calling (01983) 525282 or visiting the Website.

The booklets complement the wide reaching Stay Well This Winter campaign, which offers winter health advice to help protect you and those you care about. Full information on how to Stay Well This Winter can be found online.

Islanders can help themselves
Diane Goring, Clinical Lead Nurse from the Island’s multiagency Crisis Response Team based at St. Mary’s Hospital says:

“By following the guidance in the excellent Age UK ‘Winter Wrapped Up’ guide Islanders can help themselves to stay healthy and well over this winter. It’s not too late to get a flu jab and it’s important to make sure your medicine cabinet is well stocked. Your local pharmacist can advise.”

Image: suckamc under CC BY 2.0