ventnor library

Library group welcome news of safer footing

Thanks to Evelyn for this latest news from the Friends of Ventnor Library. Ed

Still with some discussion to come, it was heartening news to hear from our Ventnor Town Councillors that agreements have been made that will put our precious Ventnor Library on a safer footing.

A formal partnership is planned that reflects the Town Council and the Isle of Wight Council’s commitment for its future.

Shared costs have been carefully assessed and the full details are in Report no.105/15 embedded below.

Impact of neglect
The report highlights the Condition Survey that has found extensive damp and poor conditions throughout.

These conditions and the likely high cost of repairs brought a conclusion that a relocation of the library would be the best way forward. This will be a key issue in further discussions, Ventnor Central being the alternative under consideration.

For fuller and more detailed information please refer to the report below.

Grateful for support
Meanwhile Friends are delighted that things are moving forward and we are grateful for all the work and planning by the Town Clerk, the Mayor and their Council colleagues.