mother and child in front of Christmas tree

Wishing all our readers a very Merry Christmas

Wishing all News OnTheWight readers a very Merry Christmas.

Today we’ll be sparing a thought for all those who don’t have anyone to share Christmas with, can’t share Christmas with their families, or who have lost loved ones this year.

If you are celebrating Christmas, we hope you have a peaceful day.

A difficult year for many
Our thoughts are also with those who have found this year more of a struggle than usual as the cost of living crisis continues.

We’re sure you’ll join us in thanking all the many community groups around the Isle of Wight for their efforts in helping to ease the burden for Islanders in need.

We’re slowing down for a week
Over the next week we will be on ‘go slow’, so that we can spend valuable time with our family and close friends.

The site will continue to tick over with each day with articles – a variety of longer reads, as well as articles from some of the Isle of Wight council cabinet members about their hopes for the coming year- but the output won’t be to our usual 10-15 items a day, as we take a breather for a few days.

Thank you once again for your continued support.

Image: S and B Vonlanthen under CC BY 2.0