RNLI Jumper and radio
Image: © With kind permission of Nick Edwards

Woman with leg injury rescued by Cowes RNLI crew from mid-river pontoon

It was ‘from a training exercise to the real thing’ for the crew of Cowes RNLI lifeboat yesterday evening (Wednesday), when during a training exercise they received a call from the coastguards.

A women was reported to be on a mid-river pontoon off The Folly with a leg injury. The lifeboat duly left the Solent to proceed up the River Medina.

At the pontoon the lifeboat transferred the woman to the Folly pontoon where she was received by Island coastguards and ambulance personnel – who conveyed her to a waiting ambulance.

The lifeboat, which launched for training at 7 pm, was away from the station for over three hours.

News shared by George on behalf of Cowes RNLI. Ed