Yar Bridge

Yarmouth Bridge out of action for river users

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Yarmouth Bridge is currently out of action after power cables which operate the bridge were accidently damaged by contractors undertaking dredging work for Yarmouth Harbour Commission.

The damage means the cables need to be replaced with the work being carried out as quickly as possible. River users have been informed and will be kept updated while repairs are ongoing.

The road is not affected and remains open for vehicles and pedestrians.

Peter Hayward, Isle of Wight Council manager for highways and transport said; “The council is working closely with the harbour commission to make sure repairs are carried out as soon as possible.

“It is not a simple task to replace the power cables and requires specialist work including laying new cables on the harbour bed which will take time. I am sorry for this inconvenience to river users and hope to have power restored to the bridge as soon as possible.”

Image: © Yarmouth Harbour, used with the kind permission of Lucy Boynton

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