Yarmouth heritage evening a packed success: Watch and listen

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Over 150 people gathered in Yarmouth to take part in a Yarmouth Heritage evening on 19th January, which was described as one of the biggest showings the club has ever had.

Quite a turnout considering the town only has a population of only around 800 and the Isle of Wight had been blanketed in snow for the few days prior.

Huge demand
Such was the demand that the Nigel Hawkes, Rear Commodore House, and the other organisers at the Royal Solent Yacht Club had to close their books early and every seat was taken, with audience spilling out in to the Members’ bar for standing-room only.

During dinner Peter Garlick had compiled a photo quiz, with some cryptic photos from around Yarmouth and the rest of the Island. Most enjoyable as it was so challenging, given they were detailed shots, like unusually-shaped chimney pots.

Kevin Shaw’s history of Yarmouth talk
After the dinner, Kevin Shaw gave a 30 minute presentation, complete with annotated photos, revealing a potted history of Yarmouth since it being granted the Island’s first Town Charter in 1135.

For those who couldn’t make it, or those who could, but want to refresh themselves on its contents, we have worked with Kevin to bring readers his slides, exactly synchronised, so as you listen to his talk, the slides change as they did on the evening, giving you the full experience.

Lively panel session
This was followed by a panel session with five well-known Yarmouth locals, with John Caulcutt chairing the discussion.

Each panellist had prepared a short talk giving a background on their particular take on the town:-

  • Brenda Garlick – The Mount & The Dashwoods
  • Les Pitman – Growing up as a boy in Yarmouth
  • Alec Cokes – Early Days of lobster fishing and general marine
  • Paul Wvell – Early Days of Mills grocers
  • Pauline Harwood – Early Days of Harwoods grocers

Questions or observations were requested from the audience by the Chair and a fascinating discussion ensued, with audience members chipping in with historic gems as and when relevant.

A great success
We heard nothing but favourable comments about the whole event. The popularity underlined not only how tight the community is in Yarmouth, but what a thirst they have for local history.

You can listen and watch
Happily, OnTheWight recorded the whole event and as well as being able to watch and listen to Kevin Shaw’s presentation (at the bottom of this article), you can also listen to the panel session.

History of Yarmouth talk
To watch this in full screen, click the arrowed box on the right, above the timeline.

Article edit
14.19pm 12th Jul 2024 – Changed source of audio