Frank James Hospital:

Yet another heritage body urges action from the council over Frank James Hospital

SAVE Britain’s Heritage, who have been involved in campaigning to save the former Frank James Hospital in East Cowes for several years, have written to Cllr Paul Fuller, the new Executive member for planning at the Isle of Wight council.

They urge him and the Isle of Wight Council to “take action and ensure the building is protected from intruders and any potential damage they may cause”.

Statutory duty
The letter follows new of a break-in at the former hospital and SAVE caseworker Mike Fox, reminds the local authority in his letter of the council’s statutory duty to enforce protection if the owner is failing in their duty.

He goes on to explain how concerned SAVE are at the lack of maintenance and protection to the building, reminding Cllr Fuller these concerns are also shared by the Victorian Society.

Mike says,

“It is therefore essential that the building is secured against break-ins and theft, as failure to do so can often lead to disastrous results; a recent disastrous fire at the disused and empty Royal Cliff Hotel in Sandown serves as a warning to the seriousness of the situation.”

Image: © Joshua Aitken-Dunkeld