You Too Can Support VentnorBlog

Thanks to everyone who have sent us kind notes of support about our coverage of Island news on VentnorBlog. You were particularly complimentary about the 140+ articles we created about the Vestas sit-in.

Having praise sprinkled on you is great for the soul, but sadly it doesn’t pay the everyday bills – donating does.

You won’t be surprised to hear that our extensive coverage of Island issues takes a great deal of effort from those involved.

The small band of people behind VentnorBlog are devoted to bringing you, the reader the best, most up to the minute news and information that we can about the Island.

Support VentnorBlog and feel good
We’re run on a non-profit basis, so if you like what we do at VentnorBlog and would like to see it continue, please support us.

This might be in the form of a donation or encouraging someone to advertise with VB, or perhaps you might want to put some time into helping to produce VentnorBlog.

Writing contributions also welcomed
We often get story leads before the other media, but simply don’t have the time to cover them all.

Every week there are examples of stories that we have, but don’t get out in time, such as the tip off we had on Ventnor carnival night about traffic wardens giving tickets in Ventnor for a car park that doesn’t have any charges applied to it. It wasn’t surprising to see it in the CP, but galling because we had the story but just ran out of time to fit it in.

We’re really very grateful to the small team of people who often send in articles for publication, but we feel that you can never have too many contributors.

If you would like to contribute by writing articles for VB, whether a news items or reviews of events you’ve been to, please get in touch.

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