Wightlink’s Island Ports Operations Manager Martin Gulliver, Colin Webb from VBFC and award-winning angler Corey Duke

Young Isle of Wight angler recognised for his supportive and helpful attitude to newcomer

Sixteen-year-old Corey Duke is the winner of this year’s Wightlink Trophy for the Most Responsible Angler. 

The trophy is awarded each year in recognition of good conduct shown by young anglers fishing on Ryde Pier in events organised by Vectis Boating and Fishing Club (VBFC). 

The Ryde Academy student is the third winner of the award. 

Taking an new angler under his wing
In a season affected by the Coronavirus outbreak, Corey was chosen from youngsters who fished at two events on the pier organised by the VBFC.

What impressed club officials was the way Corey took a young newcomer to angling under his wing. 

Webb: He stopped fishing to help beginner
Colin Webb, of the VBFC explains:

“We had a novice who had come on his own and we gave him some help setting up and some basic advice. We would normally help a lot more but this was in the middle of a hectic spell when fish were coming in at a rate of knots and we needed to get them back unharmed quickly.  

“Corey is very competitive and very focused on his angling, so to my surprise he stopped his fishing to help this beginner. He set up all the end tackle with some out of his supplies, explained the process, baited the hooks and didn’t mind the newbie fishing right next to him. 

“He then proceeded to assist him for the next half hour or so, helping him catch his first fish. Corey is also a very tidy angler and always treats the fish carefully and respectfully.” 

Duke: “A great learning curve for me”
Corey says:

“Unfortunately this was my last year as a junior as I’ve just turned 16. However I want to continue to help others and next year help steward or get my younger sister involved as she loves fishing too. 

“The competitions have been a great learning curve for me and are perfect for any juniors wishing to start fishing. Thanks to Colin and Andy for continuing to give up their time to organise them and for growing the community within the fishing club.” 

James: “A very worthy winner”
Stuart James, Wightlink Marketing and Innovation Director, says:

“We always enjoy hearing how youngsters are fishing from the Pier in a responsible way under the fantastic guidance of Colin and his team.

“Corey is a very worthy winner and we wish him tight lines for the future.” 

News shared by Karen on behalf of Wightlink. Ed

Image: Wightlink’s Island Ports Operations Manager Martin Gulliver, Colin Webb from VBFC and award-winning angler Corey Duke