
Young people asked to share their views on A-Levels

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

A special survey has been launched, the results of which will feed into the ongoing consultation about the future of secondary and post-16 education.

The short survey aims to gather views on how important certain factors are for young people when choosing where they would like to study their A-levels. It also asks what young people plan to do once their A-levels are finished.

It has been developed following feedback from members of the Isle of Wight Youth Council and the Member of Youth Parliament for the Isle of Wight, Will Matthews.

To take part in the survey, log on to and click on the “A-level survey” link.

The survey is live until 4.30pm on 30 April and the results will inform the outcomes of the consultation which will be reported to and discussed by councillors in the summer.

Image: Comedy Nose under CC BY 2.0