It might not have been as plush as the Oscars, but the Wight Aviation Museum Rocket Island Awards Evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.
Held on Thursday evening in the Ops Room at the Wight Aviation Museum at Sandown Airport, it celebrated the creativity and achievements of a group of young people, from a number of Island schools, who came together to work as the Rocket Island Production Team creating a number of video programmes for the museum’s schools and education project.
Last summer this wide ranging group of youngsters worked together as the Rocket Island Production Team to produce a number video programmes, working as presenters, camera crew and production directors.
Through the project they were given the opportunity to learn video production skills and studio protocols and were given the responsibility of putting these new skills to use to create video material for the museum’s schools and education programme.
WAM Chairperson, Helen Blake, says,
“It’s wonderful to see the way all these young people were so engaged in creating these video programmes.
“The Wight Aviation Museum considers our schools and education projects as vital to the whole aim of the museum, to celebrate and educate about the aviation and aerospace history and heritage of the Isle of Wight.”
What the young people say
The teenagers themselves had this to say about it.
Liam Downer said,
“The whole project was a great experience!”
Katie Winchcombe said,
“Honestly one of the best things I’ve done in my life”
Liam Cox said,
“Honestly, being able to come and help out with the whole project was a real treat.”
Get inspired and join the team
We are planning to continue the Rocket Island Production Team into this coming season and hope that more young people will be inspired to come and join the team.
For more information email “Rocket Island Production Team” to or phone or text to 07949 704 052.
News shared by Brian on behalf of Wight Aviation Museum. Ed