Today (Thursday) sees last in our series of top three priorities of newly-elected Isle of Wight councillors.
After the election News OnTheWight got in touch with each of the 39 councillors asking to share their top three priorities with our readers.
Five article series
All but one did, so over a series of five articles you’ll be able to learn a little more about your local representatives.
We have split the articles up geographically – North; Central; East; South and Bay; and West. Here are the elected councillors for the Western region with their top three priorities.
Brighstone, Calbourne and Shalfleet – Steve Hastings

- Reduce greenfield development and more affordable housing for Islanders (complete the Island Plan) Tackle drainage and sewage capacity problems in rural villages
- Regeneration of Newport brownfield land, riverside and harbour including retail and housing which will prevent the need for more rural development without the infrastructure
- Better planning enforcement which is lacking in strength and resources
Freshwater North and Yarmouth – Peter Spink

- To reduce housing targets and build truly affordable homes for Islanders on brownfield sites; developments on greenfield only in exceptional cases
- To support the Island becoming carbon neutral
- A higher education hub with work-based apprenticeships
Freshwater South – John Medland

- The highest voter response related to transport; parking, speed reduction and more cycling
- The second voter priority was to protect the environment and promote biodiversty conservation
- The third area of concern was housing and the health of the economy
Totland and Colwell – Chris Jarman

- Local Regeneration to revitalise our village and create quality employment
- Refocusing residential development to meet local needs and bringing unused property into use
- Protecting our green spaces and ensuring protection of our natural beauty and environmental diversity that are so important for quality of life and to drive tourism