The Needles from the air by Brighton Scenic

Aerial photos of The Needles in HD

You know OnTheWight loves to bring you photos of the Isle of Wight that show it in its best light.

When we saw a photo taken by Brighton Scenic while flying over the Isle of Wight, we had to get in touch with them to ask if they had more.

Luckily they did, and they agreed to share them with OnTheWight and our readers.

We’re floating in the air
Below are some great photos of The Needles, some with the Island in the background, others with the Mainland in the distance – all of them showing the Island in a good light.

If you click on them, en enlarged version will show. To see them up to HD resolution, simply click the icon in the top left of the photo. In either view clicking the right or left arrows will let you step from image to image.

Hope you enjoy them.

The Needles from the air by Brighton Scenic

The Needles from the air by Brighton Scenic

The Needles from the air by Brighton Scenic

The Needles from the air by Brighton Scenic

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Brighton Scenic