Prime Minister Rishi Sunak visits Blackpool College
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Letter: Should we passively accept being gaslit by those who have failed us?

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Hans Bromwich, Cowes. Ed

Last week Jeremy Hunt chose World Hypertension Day to suggest Labour would increase taxes. But isn’t it the Conservative Party who’ve raised taxation to a post Second World War high, whilst simultaneously freezing tax thresholds? 

A few days earlier Rishi Sunak declared the UK was only safe in Conservative hands, yet our armed forces are so depleted they couldn’t muster enough parachutes to participate in a recent NATO training exercise.

What we are seeing is the opening salvo of the Conservatives strategy to retain power. The plan is to create a climate of fear because they know in an uncertain world people are frightened of change and will vote for what they know, no matter how badly they have been let down in the past.

Historically Britain has always used its ingenuity and creativity to rise to opportunities, and that’s surely what as a Nation we need to do now. It’s not a time to be beaten into submission by a climate of terror peddled by failed politicians.

Our choice is simple, we can live in a fantasy painted by those desperate to retain power, or we can recognise our world has changed, and embrace the dawning of a new age. 

In short, we will all need to live more frugally, consumer less, embrace community, build high quality sustainable living solutions, and harness our creativity to chart an imaginative pathway through the present turmoil. But that’s surely not such a bad thing? Neither is it something we should be unduly frightened of.

Alternatively, we can passively accept being gaslit by those who have failed us, and continue living in a fools paradise with our heads firmly buried in the sand. But that’s no legacy to leave our children and grandchildren.