Young person painting

£100,000 funding boost for ‘Creative Biosphere’ Project

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The Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Island Collection and the Isle of Wight Cultural Education Partnership have been awarded and Arts Council Grant of £100,000 for their ‘Creative Biosphere’ Project

This a one year project, starting in the new academic year, brings together the objectives of the Cultural Education Partnership and Isle of Wight UNESCO Biosphere Reserve by the coming together of arts, heritage and environmental organisations with secondary schools to remove the barriers that currently prevent children and young people from participating in creative activities.

Limited access to cultural facilities and experiences
Currently children and young people on the IW have limited access to cultural facilities and experiences due to geographical isolation and cost of travel to mainland, leading to endemic low aspirations and lack of social mobility.

The project will involve schools, which include communities of Ryde, Ventnor West and Newport by embedding five creative practitioners in each of the schools, acting as ‘bridges’ to help to break down ‘language barriers’ that exist between the different sectors, so that schools and creative partners can better meet students’ needs.

Support for the artists
The role of the cultural organisations is to provide support and knowledge to commissioned artists and working with schools to develop a deeper understanding of how to connect with their CYP for future projects

Arts Council England said,

“The IWAONB has presented a very strong idea with very clearly expressed aims and clearly demonstrating how these aims will fulfil our Let’s Create strategy and wider aims of Arts Council England.”

Grogan: Bringing the arts and environment sectors together
Richard Grogan, Lead Officer of the IWAONB said,

“We are grateful the Arts Council England for this grant which we will bring the arts and environment sectors together for the benefit of children and young people and lead to greater appreciation of the IW Biosphere Reserve.”

Slann: Ensuring UNESCO Biosphere designation is better understood
Chris Slann, chair of Isle of Wight Cultural Education Partnership said,

“This is a fantastic project that will significantly strengthen the Island’s Cultural Education Partnership.

“We look forward to working with all the AONB, creative partners, schools and local artists to ensure that our UNESCO Biosphere designation is better understood and creatively interpreted in both learning and community settings.”

News shared by Richard on behalf of IW AONB. Ed

Image: Rahul Jain under CC BY 2.0