
It could be you! Have you got the £1m unclaimed Lottery ticket?

The National Lottery are on the hunt for an Islander in possession of a lottery ticket that will change their life.

According to a spokesperson from the National Lottery, someone on the Isle of Wight bought a Lotto Millionaire Raffle ticket on 27th February and have not yet claimed their £1,000,000 prize!

The winning code for the raffle is NAVY 3917 5002.

A National Lottery spokesperson said:

“We’re eager to find the mystery ticket-holder and unite them with their winnings – this amazing prize could really make a huge difference to somebody’s life. We’re urging everyone who bought a Lotto ticket on the Isle of Wight to check their old tickets again or look anywhere a missing ticket could be hiding.”

In order to claim your prize, all you have to do is call 0844 338 7551.

You have until 25th August to claim your prize, but don’t delay, this is a life-changing event.


Image: lejournaldemaman under CC BY 2.0