Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline Comes To The Wight

Chernobyl Children's Lifeline Comes To The WightIt’s great to hear that once again, children affected by the horrendous Chernobyl disaster are back on the Island for a month long holiday.

Businesses in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight have joined forced to show their support for the excellent charity, Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline which was founded in 1991 by Victor Mizzi.

Yesterday the kids made their way to the Island courtesy of Red Funnel on the Red Falcon ferry, including a trip to the bridge to meet the Master.

We understand that the kids will making lots of outings on the Island to the classic tourist attractions such as Osborne House, the Needles and of course every child’s dream destination Blackgang Chine.

We’re told that in the past, breaks such as these are proven to boost the immune systems of children often already fighting cancers or other recurring infections as a result of the 1986 accident.

Staying with host families, they will also receive free medical care, eye tests and dental treatment.

Jonathan Green, Sales and Marketing Director for Red Funnel told us

“Red Funnel is delighted to assist the Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline in organising this visit. The children had a great time onboard the Red Falcon and thanks to the generous support of local businesses they are guaranteed an action packed and well deserved holiday on the Isle of Wight”.

If you want to find out more about the charity check their Website

Image: Disused Fairground Chernobyl by fi dot