Military Road Erosion Worsens

We’ve all seen or heard about the dramatic erosion of the coastline along the Military Road over recent months.

Having driven along recently, we’d also seen the barriers near Brook, but had no idea just how close the road has become to the cliff edge.

At this section in Brook, the road is just 4m from the recent landslide.

Liberal Democrat Prospective MP for the Island, Jill Wareham has been campaigning for awareness to be raised on this subject and last month launched an online petition to ‘Save the Military Road’.

She said,

“Urgent action is needed as the road is likely to be closed very shortly if the erosion carries on as it has over the past week or two. I have visited the area where the cliff is closest to the road between Brook and Compton over the past two weekends. The first visit revealed a cliff fall at this point and in the past week another substantial fall has taken place. The footpath has slipped over the edge and the distance between the cliff edge and the fence along the road is now only 5m.”

The section which seems the most serious is near Brook. To get an idea of scale, zoom out slightly and you’ll see the car on the right hand side of the image.

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Jill continues,

“The Isle of Wight Council’s Cabinet is due to discuss the matter at the end of March, but this maybe too late. The Road is a vital link between the South and West Wight.

“It is used by many locals and thousands of tourists each year. It is the most photographed area on the Island, and even features in the recent Isle of Wight Council’s PFI information. The loss of the road will have a major impact on the village of Brook if the traffic is diverted. There needs to be a long term solution to the problem at least to tie in with the expected life of the Afton Down part of the road. All the relevant organisations need to get together to find this solution and this needs to be done urgently.

“I know Brighstone Parish Council has taken this up with the Isle of Wight Council. I hope the petition will give more weight to the Brighstone Parish Council in getting action to save the Military Road.”

There’s an online version of the petition which you can sign, as well as copies in local shops and pubs.