VentnorBlog Weekly News Discussion (Podcast)

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We were joined this week Laurence, who was with us last week, and for the first time by John.

VentnorBlog Weekly News Discussion (Podcast)If you haven’t listened to our podcasts before, they centre around the week’s news, sometimes straying off slightly, but always returning.

This week’s podcast is was just over an hour long and we covered the following …

  • The budget vote
  • Unity of the opposition voting against the ruling Conservatives
  • Star chamber – rolling list of potential cuts
  • Is the council now all about managing decline?
  • Parking permits cut – because it was illegal (Camden case)?
  • Comparing the cost of parking in Kensington + Chelsea – is the Island good value?
  • The impact on Car parking around the Island – supermarkets, how towns are hit
  • The additional impact on Newport parking if IWC close non-Newport council offices and centralises in Newport – even more all day parking, less for shoppers.
  • The high costs of ‘casual bus use’ on the Island. Better to half the fare, to triple the bus usage.
  • Concessionary bus fare impact on the budget
  • Why does the council pay so much attention to the over 60s?
  • What is the average age of the people on the Island?
  • Support People budget cuts.
  • Riverside centre cuts and rent increase.
  • Loss of public realm funding to Ryde – and the direct impact on tourism
  • Potential of more car parking on Ryde pier
  • Praise for the Wightlink new cafe
  • Loss of the Military Road – lack of action until now – emergency meeting at the end of March – increased damage from broken pipes – loss of tourism from view being lost – Compulsory purchase of land – how will a new road be funded?
  • Undercliff drive – is the plan to downgrade the road from an A road to a B road? If this is the intention, it hasn’t been made clear. Will they not have to maintain it? What’s will the long term impact be? Will Ventnor town be by-passed with proposed changes?
  • GKN contract. New factory. SEEDA funding
  • Festival / Bestival announcements – ‘Borrowing’ of acts. Early announcement of acts to get tickets sales early, or before the election? Crowds at Bestival
  • Coroner’s inquest

Have a listen …

We’re working each week to improve these, so if you’ve got some guidance, please get in touch with us.

Article edit
13.17pm 12th Jul 2024 – Changed source of audio

Image: bdjsb7 under CC BY 2.0