Cllr Giles: Spraying Potholes Gold Is ‘Dangerous To Road Users’

Remember the Gold Potholes idea? Protesters were planning to spray gold paint into potholes to draw attention to the PFI proposal, which they and others feel isn’t a good idea.

Spraying Potholes Gold Is 'Dangerous To Road Users'Well Cllr Edward Giles, cabinet member responsible for highways, has told the County Press that, “Spraying paint onto the highway was not only dangerous to road users but also criminal damage.”

He went on to say that IWC only knew about three locations where gold potholes had been sprayed, and, “Given this limited action we do not at this stage consider it would be in the public interest to take legal action although will keep this issue under review.”

Blinded by the light?
It’s not really clear what the perceived danger to road users is, perhaps Cllr Giles thinks that the motorist might be put off/ blinded by light reflected from the sprayed gold paint?

CP article

Image: abbylanes under CC BY 2.0

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