New Wheelies For New Year

As regular readers will remember, earlier in the year the Cabinet agreed to proposals to change the way that waste collections will take place from next year.

Wheelie BinIf like us, you’ve been wondering when it all kicks off, wonder no longer.

We got in touch with the council to find out more and received a swift and helpful reply from a junior member of the team.

They told us, “We will begin delivering wheelie bins to residents from Monday 9 January and the first collections under the new scheme will take place on Monday 30 January.

“Letters will be sent to residents in the New Year explaining the scheme in more detail. There will also be an extensive feature on the subject in this month’s One Island magazine which is published on 16 December.”

So there you have it. Wheelie bins will be coming your way after the New Year.

Image: Mugley under CC BY 2.0