Many In Favour Of Plans For Ventnor Winter Gardens

The period of public consultation on the planning application for the Ventnor Winter Gardens closed to the public on Friday last week.

Manser drawing of Winter GardensA total of 27 comments were left by members of the public, with approximately half of those in favour of the proposal to develop the iconic Ventnor building.

Lack of parking major concern
The main area of concern for those leaving comments on the application was in relation to the lack of parking.

The 37 room hotel has only 17 spaces allocated for parking within the grounds, so many are concerned about the impact on parking in the rest of town.

Sale dependent on planning approval
We understand that the sale of the property by the Isle of Wight council to the Hambrough Group is riding on the approval of the planning application.

From memory, it’s usual for a decision to be made within eight weeks of the comments closing, but for larger projects it can take longer.

Many have told us of their dismay at how dilapidated the building has become over the last year and their hope that it’s not long before the building is brought back to its former glory.

See public comments on the planning Website.

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