Osborne House from quadcopter film by Seb Godsmark

Osborne House: Gorgeous: Like you’ve never seen it

All Islanders (and many visitors) already know that Osborne House is quite resplendent – unsurprisingly as it was made to be fit for a queen – Queen Victoria.

These days it’s open to the public and maintained by English Heritage. It’s a going concerned, keen to attract as many visitors as possible, which has led them to work with someone whose work OnTheWight has trumpeted earlier this year – in April and a great follow up in June too.

Remarkable video
Seb Godsmark of SBG Films has created a remarkable video that we’re sure will boost visitor numbers – both to Osborne and the Island.

It’s been filmed in that beautiful, warm, end of the day light that we know so well on the Island.

Seb’s flown his Quadcopter with great skill to capture views of Osborne House that only birds or those with their own helicopter would see.

Repeat watching
Make yourself a cup of tea and sit yourself down. Although it only lasts less than two minutes, we found ourselves watching it over and again.

Image: © Screen grab used with the kind permission of SBG Films