5 Films About Artists: Directed by David George, Utility Films

There is an event coming up at Quay Arts in a couple of weeks time that is got us very excited.

Ventnor based film maker, David George will be showing his collection of short films about artists on the Isle of Wight.

These are no ordinary artists, but five of the very best; Janice Thwaites, Eric Geddes, Colin Riches, Jenny Clayden and Derek Barran feature in the film shorts, each being interviewed by one of the other artists.

We were lucky enough to see the Eric Geddes short last year (listen to the podcast with Eric), when it was screened at Quay Arts in conjunction with Eric’s exhibition in the Michael West Gallery. It was beautifully shot and really captured the essence of Eric’s life and work.

We’ll have more info coming out over the next two weeks about each of the artists featured as well as a background on the director himself.

In the meantime, do get this free event into your diaries and make it a date.

Thursday 2nd April 7.30pm at Quay Arts, Newport.