Goodbye Stereo: Want To Be In Their Music Video?

Our friends over at Goodbye Stereo are on the look out for 100 eager fans to star in their latest music video being filmed this Sunday. There are only 100 places available so if you want to take part read on and get in touch with them asap. Ed

Goodbye Stereo: Want To Be In Their Music VideoOK. So some of you may already know, we’ve been filming a shed load of footage recently for various bits and bobs and now it seems we’ve arrived at the music video stage in this rather exciting affair.

The track we will be filming for is ‘Light Years Away’.

We are looking for around 100 extras for the crowd scenes in this intimate gathering that will take place on the Isle of Wight this Sunday (15th) from 10am onwards.

You will be briefed on what is expected throughout filming but the general idea is just to have a damn good time. (Oh, and if you’ve got one, don’t forget to don a GS tee).

So, I guess the question is ‘do you want to be in a music video?’

If so, email your names and contact numbers to us at: [email protected] with the subject reading: ‘GS MUSIC VIDEO’

We have a limited amount of spaces available so it will be first come first serve with the first 100 definitely getting in on this splendid action.

Once we have collated the names, you will receive an email back confirming whether you have managed to grab yourself a place, and further details on venue and times etc.