First Photography Treasure Hunt A Success

Thanks for Fay from the Focus Digital Imaging Group for this report, in her own words, of yesterday’s Photography Treasure Hunt. Ed

Competitors queuing up to enter photosYesterday (July 17th), Focus Digital Imaging Group held it’s first “Photography Treasure Hunt”.

The event was well attended by club members both past and present who met at Binstead Community Centre – where the club is based – for a day-long event organised by the committee.

Entrants were invited to take five pictures on subjects chosen at random in the morning and then submit them to the club by 4pm that day.

Stretching photographic skills
After overcoming sporadic downpours mixed with blinding sunshine, all of the entrants were able to submit their images in time.

The randomly chosen themes for the day were “Something beginning with S”, “Nature”, “Black and White”, “Lead-in Lines” and “Reflections”, which proved to be taxing enough to stretch the photographic skills of all those involved (It certainly showed me just how much I rely on quick-fix PC editing now!).

Photo marathons on the horizon
The event, loosely based on the photo marathons which are becoming increasingly popular on the mainland, is hoped to have been a trial-run before becoming an Island-wide event over the coming years, with other photography groups from the Island being invited to take part in the future.

Judging of the images will take place during the first club meeting of the season in September.

If you wish to contact the club, or become a member, please contact our Chairman, Nigel Twine at [email protected] [Website under construction and coming soon!]