Parents invited to Shanklin CE primary school meeting

Following the release of last week’s critical OFSTED report on Shanklin CE primary school, two meetings are being held today (Thursday) to discuss it and the way forward.

Parents and carers of children at the school are being invited to attend a meeting at between 6pm and 6.45pm, as well as one currently taking place.

Considerable steps already taken
Inviting them along, Richard Priest, the Chair of Governors, said, “The school is fully aware of the seriousness of the report and, as you may appreciate, has already taken considerable steps to address many of the issues highlighted in the report, in particular: Pupil Behaviour; Teaching Standards; Raising Achievement and Governance & Leadership.

“All involved in Shanklin CE Primary School accept the findings of the report, however challenging they may be, and wish to ensure that all parents and carers have the opportunity to discuss the report, with the Governors and Leaders at the School, as well as the plans that we have to bring about rapid, significant and sustained improvement.”

Representatives of the Diocese have been invited, as have officers from the council.

Fully committed
He concludes by saying, “As you will appreciate, we are all fully committed to ensuring the school provides the best learning experience for every child, and we are deeply sorry that we did not address the issues raised in this report early or firmly enough.”

As we said to the school, we wish them the very best making changes at what must be a testing time.

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