best recycled garden

Winners in Newport’s Bloomin’ Green competition announced

Thanks to Maxine for news of the Newport’s Bloomin’ Green competition winners. Ed

The alternative gardening competition, that was devised by Cllr Lois Prior in 2012, as part of Newport’s Green Town project, has grown from strength to strength and this year saw a large increase in entries from local residents to community groups and schools.

Instead of judging the gardens on how many flowers it has, or how glamorous it is, the aim is to encourage Newport and Carisbrooke’s residents to grow gardens that are good for wildlife and for the environment.

Past winner Claire Draper, owner and director of The Plant Shop, agreed to help Cllrs Prior and Jones-Evans with the hard task of judging and selecting the winners.

Ms Draper said,

“I have genuinely enjoyed being involved with Bloomin’ Green and I think to encourage people to get out there and garden, to enjoy the space they have and support themselves, the environment and other species while they are at it really is worthwhile. A great initiative from Newport Parish Council!”

The judges were very impressed with the quality of the entries and the variety of plants used to encourage wildlife, butterflies and bees.

The results are:

  • Best for Butterflies and Bees – Brian and Ruth Colling
  • Best for Wildlife – Mrs Wilcox
  • Best use of recycled materials – Mr Kevin Law
  • Most Productive (fruit and vegetables) – Alvington Allotments
  • Best organic allotment – Ms Danielle Perez,
  • Nine Highly Commended prizes were also awarded, along with ten Commended Certificates

Councillor Prior said

“I am delighted with the level and diversity of entries this year but we are always pleased to see more! Clearly a lot of Newport residents are making the effort to encourage wildlife into their gardens and go the extra mile for the environment. If you have a ‘green’ garden, or your friends and neighbours have gardens that you think would qualify, look out for next year’s ‘Bloomin’ green’ competition.”

Best garden for B&B
Alvington allotments

A short presentation for the winners will be made before the Parish Council meeting on 14th September. More pictures and how to enter for next year will be available on the Parish website

Images: © Cllr Terry Martin